Monday, April 7, 2014

Did Our Parents Disapprove of Our Books?

As I consider the modern fantasy books and find them distasteful and depressing, I wonder if my parents disliked books we read at the one-room school and the larger one I attended after fourth grade.  Since Mother had been a school teacher, she had first hand knowledge of many of our books.

However, I don't really like many of the modern fantasy books young people are reading nowadays.  I wonder, as I learn about them, if they are contributing to the disrespectful attitudes of many who read them?  Do they lead youngsters and young adults to look at the world with a depressing view?

This isn't to say that books should create a rose-colored and unrealistic view of the world and our lives.  However, so many of the modern fantasy books delve into violence and present jaded characters.

I realize many people will say I'm wrong.  They (adults and young readers) regard these books and series as wonderful.

I read fantasies, or "fairy tales" as we called them, in my youth.  But they didn't seem to have so much violence and depressing outlooks.

I did come across one mother who refuses to let her children read these types of books until they're 14.  What happens when the books are included in class reading in middle school and discussed in class?  What happens when they want to attend movies of these books at a younger age?  They will hear classmates and teachers discussing the books and movies.

Reading the books your youngsters are reading and discussing your "old-fashioned" views of them does help to give them insight into why you may not approve...and give them something to consider.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Learning Multiplication Tables

When I see students struggling with math because they don't know their multiplication and division tables, I recall having to memorize them at the one-room school house.  This wasn't a choice or something we could look up on a calculator or computer.  We were expected to MEMORIZE.  I see youngsters getting the tables correct on the computer programs nowadays, but they don't know the tables when doing their math. 

We had flash cards we used in school and at home.  We used them with one another.

Then Mrs. Burr drew a circle on the blackboard with a smaller circle in the middle.  Lines radiated out from the small circle to the outside of the large.  She divided the circle into pie shaped pieces with a number in each (1-12).  The multiplying number was placed in the small circle.  With a pointer, Mrs. Burr, or one of us students, pointed to the multiplier and then to one of the other numbers.

We had to keep at it until we knew all the facts.  This also became a game we played at recess when it was too stormy to go outside.  So I still think of learning the math tables/facts as a game.

One Room School Friends

Even though it was many, many years ago that I attended the one-room school in Poughquag, NY, I still remain in contact with three of my classmates, along with my sister.  Another classmate I've heard from, via email, intermittently.

Through postal mail, email and Facebook, we've kept up with one another.  We're grandmothers, live in different parts of the country, yet still share memories and keep up with the joys and sorrows in our families.